My 7 Nursing Essentials to add to a Baby Registry
With breastfeeding becoming more normalized, I find that there are a few items that I almost always recommend an expecting family should have on hand to help their nursing journey. In the beginning, it can be tiring trying to teach your new little one how to latch and stay awake long enough to eat enough.…
Will the baby fit?
I hate hate hate hate this conversation, but it is an inevitable question with every expecting mother. I do not hate it because they ask. It because it just tells me how ingrained it is in our society that the “Baby might not fit.” Not all, but particularly doctors tend to tell expecting families this.…
A Mindful Midwife
When I first started midwifery, I did not expect to be where I am now or even doing what I am now. Those beautiful dreamy births we all read about do still happen (and quite often) and I am just as in awe of them as I was at the beginning, but the magnitude and…